
All medicines are ethically sourced from the tribes that collect, gather and share these sacred offerings. It is important to us that both the Phyllomedusa Bicolored Tree Frog (Kambo) and the Sonoran Desert Toad Bufo Alvarius are treated with the utmost respect and honoured for their gifts with love, gratitude and safety. 

Sessions are offered on a sliding scale. Participants are invited to pay what they feel their experience was worth after the ceremony, within the price ranges listed below.

A non-refundable, non-transferable deposit of $100 per person will be required at the time of booking for ceremonies to hold the date of your ceremony.


1 session $222-$444

3 sessions within a month $555-$1234

Groups of 3 or more $200 per person

Kambo sessions typically last 2-3 hours and it is important that you have the remainder of the day to rest, recover, and integrate your experience. It is common to feel extremely fatigued after the deep cleansing / detox experience of Kambo.

To experience the full potency of this powerful cleanse the tradition is that you sit with Kambo for three consecutive days in order to truly feel the benefits. However experiencing the traditional three sessions within a lunar cycle (1 month) often offers more flexibility and is also beneficial.

In each session we include intention setting, sound healing, aromatherapy, energy work and a light meal. If needed, we also incorporate the plant medicines Sananga and  Rapé.


Private session $333 – $888

Two day Immersion $600-$1234

Three day Immersion $888-$2222

Kambufo combo $444 – $1111

In session you will be vaporizing and inhaling the fumes of 5-MeO-DMT, a psychedelic of the tryptamine class. Allowing this medicine to enter the bloodstream and activate all portals of energy within our physical body. Unlocking areas of our consciousness to help connect us to our higher self and aligning you to a deeper understanding of your truest self.

The unique tryptomine compound found within 5-MeO-DMT can gift the courageous voyager with experiences of unity of consciousness unlike any other. Surrendering to this medicine holds the potential to expand your knowledge of ultimate reality, restore a connection with the Divine and ground your awareness in the experience of infinite expansion.

Bufo Alvarius is the strongest psychedelic / entheogen on the planet. Many people find its effects to be personally useful or even life changing. It is through deep surrendered that participants can experience a complete ego dissolution or “One with the Universe” expansion. This ego death experience creates the opportunity for emotional freedom and invites a new perspective that can allow the individual to break free of limiting patterns and the grip of old traumas stored deep within that could be contributing to depression, anxiety, addiction and other ailments.

It is strongly recommended that you sit with Kambo prior to your session in order to clear out any stagnant/stuck energy, blockages, or intense trauma in order to have a more aligned experience with Bufo.

Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Session​

Private Online session $75

These sessions operate within a trauma-informed framework, beginning with a grounding meditation, followed by an internal somatic journey. During this journey, we recall the sensations experienced during the positive aspects of our recent ceremony.

We employ visualization techniques to draw forth these feelings and anchor them into our current reality. Not only does this visualization allow us to revisit the positive messages and feelings experienced, but it also provides insights on how to embody these messages and honour these experiences moving forward.

A Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Therapy session can be an effective way to deeply root your plant medicine experience.


All medicines are ethically sourced from the tribes that collect, gather and share these sacred offerings. It is important to us that both the Phyllomedusa Bicolored Tree Frog (Kambo) and the Sonoran Desert Toad Bufo Alvarius are treated with the utmost respect and honoured for their gifts with love, gratitude and safety. 

Sessions are offered on a sliding scale. Participants are invited to pay what they feel their experience was worth after the ceremony, within the price ranges listed below.

A non-refundable, non-transferable deposit of 33% of the cost of session, per person, will be required at the time of booking for ceremonies to hold the date of your ceremony.


Currently not accepting new clients

Kambo sessions typically last 2-3 hours and it is important that you have the remainder of the day to rest, recover, and integrate your experience. It is common to feel extremely fatigued after the deep cleansing / detox experience of Kambo.

To experience the full potency of this powerful cleanse the tradition is that you sit with Kambo for three consecutive days in order to truly feel the benefits. However experiencing the traditional three sessions within a lunar cycle (1 month) often offers more flexibility and is also beneficial.

In each session we include intention setting, sound healing, aromatherapy, energy work and a light meal. If needed, we also incorporate the plant medicines Sananga and  Rapé.


Currently not accepting new clients

In session you will be vaporizing and inhaling the fumes of 5-MeO-DMT, a psychedelic of the tryptamine class. Allowing this medicine to enter the bloodstream and activate all portals of energy within our physical body. Unlocking areas of our consciousness to help connect us to our higher self and aligning you to a deeper understanding of your truest self.

The unique tryptomine compound found within 5-MeO-DMT can gift the courageous voyager with experiences of unity of consciousness unlike any other. Surrendering to this medicine holds the potential to expand your knowledge of ultimate reality, restore a connection with the Divine and ground your awareness in the experience of infinite expansion.

Bufo Alvarius is the strongest psychedelic / entheogen on the planet. Many people find its effects to be personally useful or even life changing. It is through deep surrendered that participants can experience a complete ego dissolution or “One with the Universe” expansion. This ego death experience creates the opportunity for emotional freedom and invites a new perspective that can allow the individual to break free of limiting patterns and the grip of old traumas stored deep within that could be contributing to depression, anxiety, addiction and other ailments.

It is strongly recommended that you sit with Kambo prior to your session in order to clear out any stagnant/stuck energy, blockages, or intense trauma in order to have a more aligned experience with Bufo.

Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Session

Private Online session $75

These sessions operate within a trauma-informed framework, beginning with a grounding meditation, followed by an internal somatic journey. During this journey, we recall the sensations experienced during the positive aspects of our recent ceremony.

We employ visualization techniques to draw forth these feelings and anchor them into our current reality. Not only does this visualization allow us to revisit the positive messages and feelings experienced, but it also provides insights on how to embody these messages and honour these experiences moving forward.

A Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Therapy session can be an effective way to deeply root your plant medicine experience.

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